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Therapy Options

Conservative Therapies

At Advanced sleep and TMJ Centers, we are always seeking out newer and less invasive treatment modalities.  After a thorough exam and appropriate imaging, all treatment options will be discussed. Neuro-muscular conditions and Myofacial pain are usually controlled with simple oral appliances that allow muscles to relax. At times, other therapies will be discussed to address more acute or severe conditions.  These protocols include but are not limited to:

  • Oral Appliances
  • Therapeutic Injections
  • Bite adjustments (Equilibration)
  • Orthodontics
  • Low and High Intensity Laser Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Cervical Spine Chiropractic Care
  • Prescription medications

Structural and anatomical concerns within the TM joint (TMD) are more complex in nature and usually require a multi-faceted approach to therapy.  Most often this is accomplished in 2 phases; The first phase  is temporarily repositioning the lower jaw with an intra-oral bite appliance that decompresses the joint by providing support from the back teeth. If this position is favorable for the anatomic structures and offers relief of symptoms, then a second phase of therapy to permanently change the bite to support the joint is carried out.  This permanent bite change can be accomplished with orthodontic therapy or by building up the bite with restorative dentistry. In cases where there is advanced structural damage to the joint, or in cases of new injuries in children or young adults, surgery may offer the best long-term prognosis. Finally, adjunctive procedures may be indicated to manage pain and muscle tension.

  • Functional Oral Appliances 
  • Therapeutic Injections
  • Orthodontics
  • Low and High Intensity Laser Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Cervical Spine Chiropractic Care
  • Prescription medications


While every effort is made to provide conservative therapies for our patients, there are simply some structural injuries that must be corrected with surgery to provide the best outcome. This is particularly true in growing children where injury to the joint or condyle may result in poor growth and development of the jaw, leading to ongoing cosmetic and functional concerns. At Advanced Sleep and TMJ Centers, we work with only the most well trained TMJ surgeons in the country and will help coordinate care when surgery is indicated.

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